Bronchogenic Carcinoma

Bronchogenic Carcinoma is another term for lung cancer. It is one of the most common cancers in the world and is a leading cause of death in both men and women all around the world. It is mainly caused by cigarette smoking while pollution, radiation and exposure to asbestos are other known causes.

The most common symptoms for Bronchogenic Carcinoma are a persistent cough, chest pain, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, loss of appetite/ weight loss and fatigue. A repeated case of pneumonia or bronchitis is another symptom to look out for.

Diagnosis is through a physical exam, imaging and lab tests. The course of treatment is usually dependent on the type, stage and how advanced it is. Surgery is an option as are various forms of therapy such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapy.

There classification of bronchogenic carcinoma is derived from the microscopic appearance of the tumor cells: small cell and non-small cell lung cancers . The distinction between the two cancers is important since they propagate differently and their treatment processes are also different.

Small cell lung cancer and cigarette smoking have a strong connection with only a tiny fraction of the patients being non-smokers. They are not very common but they propagate rapidly to many body parts and, more often than not, are found out after having spread extensively.

Non-small cell lung cancers account for around ninety percent of this type of cancer cases.

There are three different types:

The best way to stay away from bronchogenic carcinoma is by avoiding smoking. It takes a long time for a cancer to develop and quitting smoking can greatly reduce the risk of developing this illness.

As mentioned earlier, there are different diagnostic tests such as lab tests, x-ray, bronchospy, biopsy, CT scans, MRI among others. The treatment options to undergo are informed by the extent to which the cancer has spread. Surgery is considered when the cancer is discovered at an early stage. If left alone, the cancer will spread to other important organs. Pleural effusion, pneumonia, lung collapse and pathological fractures are also likely to occur.

It is the leading cause of cancer death among men and women. Surgery is the only way to get rid of bronchogenic carcinoma and it can only be performed in the early stages. Without surgery, this type of Cancer is largely considered incurable. As such, the importance of early diagnosis cannot be over emphasized. Even after surgery, recurrence is common though the symptoms can be relieved.